well, i take a different approach to teeth.  teeth are batteries for organs.
removal imho should be a last resort.  years ago hubby had an ingrown wisdom
tooth that erupted into an abscess over night.  his jaw got huge.  we knew it
would be several weeks before we could even find an oral surgeon...having to
wade thru so many charlatans and pick the lesser of evils.  hubby mixed dmso and
tea tree oil and applied several times a day.  in 24 hours the area had returned
to normal.  since he doesn't like surgery he left the tooth in for almost a

i have a crown some 42 years.  over time the tooth has been sensitive on
occasion...and painful.  the dmso tea tree oil is very effective.  when the
tooth flares i look for the organ associated with the tooth as an indicator the
problem behind the symptom.

presently studying rife technology.  if you know of anyone who has a rife, good
rife, i would start there.  it is also possible that a simple electronic device
(have not studied the others) may benefit.

pulling the tooth would be my last resort, and only after i had tried everything

for me it becomes do i remove the tooth and deal with the permanent diminished
battery source and early warning system for the organ or do i deal with
occasional bacterial conditions that i have always been able to successfully
