Many thanks for the first hand testimony! Proverbs: "When there is no vision, the people perish."

----- Original Message ----- From: "M. G. Devour" <>
To: "silver list" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Root Canals

At the Dr. Huggins website, he says root canals are
very bad. So, what is one to do?

Hi Pat,

I went to the clinic believing (or hoping, might be the better word) that I would be spared any surgery on my gums. I had a mouth full of fillings, but no extraction sites, root canals, crowns, or anything else complicated.
As it turns out, they've learned in the last 3 years or so that even un-
nucleated wisdom tooth sites can harbor a void in the bone filled by material that can trigger an autoimmune response. The pivotal case that brought this to their attention was a woman with a *perfectly* healthy mouth who nonetheless suffered from ... MS, I think. (I'm going from memory here, so may not get the details of the story right.) The only thing she had was wisdom teeth that hadn't formed. At the urging of the desparate husband, they explored those sites and found what they usually see at cavitation sites. Removal of the material produced significant improvement in her condition. Since then they have explored many such sites and found cavitations in all but a few.

This was enough to convince me to let them go ahead with the oral surgery I had hoped to avoid, despite the fact that I had not read about it in their publications beforehand and I wasn't as prepared for it as the rest of what I knew had to be done.

Now, to the point of my recollections, I was still the simplest case there. Some folks were having several teeth removed, bridges made, crowns replaced... Boy, there was a lot of dentistry going on!

The story with root canals is that they know of no way to make them safe. They *always* harbor anaerobic bacteria that produce dangerous toxins, despite the claims of conventional dental "authorities" to the contrary. So a root canal means the tooth has to go.

Which is not a happy thing.

My wife has a root canal, two crowns, and 4 wisdom tooth extraction sites that have to be cleaned out. She's not happy with the notion that there's no alternative but an extraction and bridge. In fact, the other crown is on a post that may have to be removed as well, so she may need two bridges. <sigh> All that is daunting, and it's going to be a while before she is going to be willing to do that, if ever.

There's a lot of experience to back up the asserted dangers of root canals. The controversy surrounding the procedure, like the safety of mercury fillings, goes back over a hundred years. They are no more willing to admit to it than in the case of amalgams. So your dentist will not hear about it from any "reputable" source, no matter how well intentioned he may be.

I'm fortunate and grateful that I still have all my own teeth. My wisdom tooth sites are healed over, and the sensitivity to temperature and chewing is starting to subside in all of my molars. I now have to wait and see if my health problems are going to improve significantly. Since I didn't walk in the door with a single, serious diagnosis, the long term results will likely be less obvious or measurable than for others.

I'll be detoxing for a while as the easily mobilized mercury comes out of me and my body adapts to the absence of my recommended daily allowance of new mercury. At the same time we're slowly adjusting my blood chemistries by diet and supplementation. So, I may not start to feel better for a while.

You're going to have to decide what to believe. Research the subject from all sides. When you're ready to make your decision you'll know.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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