From: Carol Ann <>  
Now let me tell you something........Pete.  Its exactly people like you  who 
have been telling Morgellon victims that they are crazy, are hypochondriacs  
who need sedatives, etc. etc.
Please show me where I  said this.

With regard to Chem  trails (which became a subject tangent, in part because 
of your initial remarks  about Morgellon, which I attempted to offset with a 
little humor) 
 This was your  "subject tangent"!  Nicely put! :) 
However, It is  people like you would would tell other people to get a 
reality  check because YOU are not familiar or digress with a particular 
 whatever reason.   The problems which you are obviously in denial are  
Global....validated by millions...and not relegated to your little utopic Gulf  
fishing spot, or negated simply because you lack direct observational  
Who digressed?   Sorry friend, I am not in denial; but validated by  
I fished all over the  Gulf and the Atlantic, but never at a utopic spot!  :)
I lack direct  observational experience/abilities?  If I did, I did well at 
it and  made
a  lot of  $change!

But hey, maybe we ! who dis cuss such issues are all paranoid Chem trail  
craziess, eh.  And maybe, you  still work for the government, eh?  You may  