I have been around aircraft for nearly 50 years, and yes I have seen  many 
"vapor" trails plus some UFOs.  I have been fishing out in the  Gulf
at least two days a week, but have not spotted your  Chem.trails!

BTW, Just because one has never observed chem trails, does not mean that  
they do not believe they exist.   The
subject had been, "Morgellon" disease, and we saw how
easily you slipped in to chem trails.  You should not count
on your "red pills", or whatever else you are indulging in.
Try stopping the routine for a few days, then give yourself
a "reality" check!  I do not take "pills", so therefore I stay
off the "trails"! :)  PanAm


Red pills.....are on the way.  


Carol  Ann
