Well up here in Michigan being a driver by occupation I see them everywhere and 
they are not airlines....I know where the airport's are and they are nowhere 
near them to blame them on take-offs or landing's....they criss cross across 
the skie's all over the place...I have even seen them in commercial's and when 
the grandkids's are over they are even appearing in cartoon's for heaven's 
sake, talk about conditioning....you don't see a nice clear sky anymore they 
are constantly streaked with these darn thing's...it is reality and it is 
-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Carol Ann <saffiresk...@yahoo.com> 
Now let me tell you something........Pete.  Its exactly people like you who 
have been telling Morgellon victims that they are crazy, are hypochondriacs who 
need sedatives, etc. etc.

With regard to Chem trails (which became a subject tangent, in part because of 
your initial remarks about Morgellon, which I attempted to offset with a little 

However, It is people like you would would tell other people to get a reality 
check because YOU are not familiar or digress with a particular issue...for 
whatever reason.   The problems which you are obviously in denial are 
Global....validated by millions...and not relegated to your little utopic Gulf 
fishing spot, or negated simply because you lack direct observational 

But hey, maybe we who discuss such issues are all paranoid Chem trail craziess, 
eh.  And maybe, you still work for the government, eh?

panamp...@aol.com wrote:
In a message dated 5/28/2006 10:29:38 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
saffiresk...@yahoo.com writes:
Marshall, I KNOW that you've been taking your red pills, and u ain't gonna let 
anyone feed you those blue ones. 

Maybe Pan Am Pete has been out fishing way too long in them there Chem trail 
skies?  :) 

Carol Ann,  Do yourself a big favor and toss your red & blue
meds!  I truly feel sorry for one that has to fish in "chem
trail skies" as you say.  During all the decades of my fishing
in the Gulf, I have never had a problem such as yours.  Try
coming in for a landing, and enjoy a reality check --- try it
you just might like it!    PanAm


Carol Ann

God is what you can find in anything you look at if you look long enough.
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