\ wrote:     My take on the "chem trails" is that they surely 
must exist
 in spite of the fact I've never seen them.  Someone said that
 there were "millions" who had observed such, so I may be in
 the minority that have not.
 >> I have a link somewhere  or document   written by a local Oak Ridge 
 >> scientist who says he helped set up the spraying  program 12 years ago- and 
 >> why. He is Jim  Phelps.<<<<<<<<<
Marshall, I would like to  hear/see what Mr Phelps has to say about
 the spray.  Do you remember reading his papers, and their  content?
 I'm curious why these humongous amounts of "believers" never
 took samples of this oil type spray to a lab for analysis so as to
 prove its authenticity?!  In other words, are we being poisoned,
 drugged, or sickened by this substance?     PanAm

  Carol Ann


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