I neglected to mention in my previous post in re to Chem trails that it is  
quite possible that the solution is indeed
"JP-3,4. or 5.  I have worked in near proximity of airplanes,
airports for several decades.  I have worked in Gov labs
testing various fuels and such.  The suspicious material 
appears to be the above jet fuel which is oily and burns
the skin.  I have many "friends" who have jettisoned their
fuel (JET) Before landing, sometimes 100s of gallons because of weight  
restrictions or safety.  This has been
done at various altitudes which would alter the density of
the fuel, say from liquid to spray/mist.  Another observation
one could see/feel is if you leave your car parked outside
at or near a airport is that it will glisten without polish as
the fuel will settle on the car and eventually destroy the
finish.  Also as a safety factor, especially when it is raining,
please be extra careful while driving within a 3 mi perimeter
of an airport as the rainwater will cause the "soaked in"
jet fuel to surface, creating a very noticeable ?"slippery"
effect.   PanAm