When sitting in a lawn chair in the front yard, near a military 
base.........they do. 

Understandable. It is, and remains, an OT subject, even for the Govt. 

noblemet...@bellsouth.net wrote: Sorry Carol- but a 2000 feet these planes 
would scare the hell out of you. They look like 10,-15,000 feet if it is a 
standard lens. Marshall can probably produce a chart with temperatures at 
various altitudes.  Lets go to off topic, please.  
> From: Carol Ann 
> Date: 2006/05/30 Tue PM 12:32:09 EDT
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Morgellon Type Illness
> Marshall, no observational error on your part. They are NOT flying at 40k.  
> I'd say very often between 2 and 4. 
> Those website pictures typify what I've seen in my travels and display every 
> possible spray pattern configuration. 
> Marshall Dudley  wrote: But these planes were closer to 2,000 feet, I could 
> see the planes easily, and
> the engines (which is not where the spray was coming from).  With 2,000 feet 
> the
> decent rate would be about 1/5 mph, or about the rate one would expect from an
> aerosol mist.  There are no high speed winds on a calm day below 2,000 feet, 
> and
> what little wind there was made little difference because the checkerboard
> pattern that day was dozens of miles across.  No there was no observational
> error, there were 3 of us, we all saw the same thing, and all three got 
> burning
> skin that required us to speed home and take showers. I remember it well.  I
> called the weather on the way home and verified that the humidity was below 
> 50%
> despite the somewhat heavy fog that descended on us.
> Marshall
> Jim Holmes wrote:
> > 40,000 feet divided by 30 minutes = a descent rate of 1333 ft/minute.  That
> > is 4 miles per hour.   Spray some WD 40, preferably backlit,  and observe
> > the rate at which the smallest particles fall.
> >
> > Note also, there are winds, often of speeds of 50 to 100 hours at different
> > layers in the atmosphere, that can influence where the mist falls, in
> > unpredictable ways.
> >
> > I think you are making some sort of observational error.
> >
> > I do agree that the low level turn and crisscross activity is the true
> > chemtrail spraying.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Marshall Dudley [mailto:mdud...@king-cart.com]
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 9:22 AM
> > To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> > Subject: Re: CS>Morgellon Type Illness
> >
> > Ode Coyote wrote:
> >
> > >    Irresponsible fuel dumping is sometimes practiced by airplanes and that
> > > could cause health problems, but that's not a "chemtrail" as presented on
> > > chemtrail websites.
> > >   Aerial spraying of pesticides and herbicides is a fact, but that's not a
> > > "chemtrail" as presented in evidence on chemtrail websites.
> > >
> > > Got dumped on and now has MS is not a valid cause and effect relationship.
> > > [That's a remote possibility, not a fact]
> > >   She could just as well have eaten mad cow brains five years earlier,
> > then
> > > got dumped on with something that had no affect whatsoever..
> > >
> > >   Facts of logic:  A "chemtrail" seen at 40k ft can't possibly hit you.
> > >   A chemtrail that can hit you will never be seen as a chemtrail.  At
> > best,
> > > it will look like fog...if you can see anything at all.
> >
> > Sorry, it is true that a contrail cannot hit you from 40,000 feet, but a
> > chemtrail certainly can, since most of them are oil based, instead of water.
> > I
> > have been hit by them before, it takes about 1/2 hour to reach ground level,
> > and you can watch them drop the whole way.  When they reach ground level, it
> > becomes foggy, although the relative humidity reads under 50%.  I have seen
> > this more than once.  I have literally watched the planes fly criss cross,
> > that
> > is for almost an hour you have two planes, one flying nN/S and the other E/W
> > crisscrossing the sky for an hour, and when they get to the edge of the
> > city,
> > they make a 180 degree turn, and go back again. This continues until either
> > they run out of spray, or the checkerboard is finished. Also almost always
> > they
> > will put down a BIG X across the middle of the city before starting.  I have
> > seen them fly low enough that you can see the spray coming out of nossles
> > instead of from the engines or wing tips like a normal contrail will do. I
> > have
> > seen a nossle get plugged up so that a plane that was putting down 4 lines
> > of
> > trails, suddenly only puts down 3 lines, yet has 2 or 4 engines. I have had
> > my
> > skin burn when exposed to the spray.  I have seen these planes fly right
> > next
> > to a normal airline, and the normal airline puts down a thin con trail that
> > evaporates in a few seconds, and the other planes put down big thick spray,
> > that spreads out, and over time completely fills the sky with what appears
> > to
> > be feathery clouds, that is you are patient enough, and if there is no wind,
> > will settle to ground level producing a fog in low humidity.  When they
> > first
> > started I checked with the local doctor on his patient load, and every time
> > they would spray, he would be overwhelmed with patients for the next few
> > days.
> >
> > It does not require reading web sites to get evidence, it only takes some
> > personal observations.  I took pictures of 3 military planes putting down
> > chemtrails and a commercial jet crossing their path, and you can easily see
> > the
> > normal short contrail of the commercial jet, and the big fat never
> > dissipating
> > trails of the military planes, which eventually became what appeared to be
> > clouds.  http://silver-lightning.com/trails2/
> >
> > Marshall
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> >
> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> >
> > Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> >
> > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
>       Regards,
>   Carol Ann
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