Thanks very much for this. It is good that some members on our list have hands-on experience.

If I ever come across more information about the protocols that resulted in children's dying in hospital from antibiotic treatment of O-157, I will post them. Regrettably, I have none, as my information comes from newspaper articles, not from medical journals.

It may be that the therapy was vastly inferior to simply drinking EIS. It's also possible that the 0-157 was particularly virulent; there were speculations that water supplies of the victims had been poisoned by the Aum Shinrikyo lunatics, who were active at that time. All the victims reportedly lived in high-rise units with rooftop water tanks. The source of the contamination was never proven conclusively.

One thing seems clear: the sooner one takes the EIS the better. Excellent idea to carry a small quantity of EIS when eating out. Thanks for that also.


On Thursday, Jun 8, 2006, at 11:36 Asia/Tokyo, Brooks Bradley wrote:

I notice various speculations, from among the immediate previous postings, which speculate on the potential dangers of Herx reactions from possible toxic components among the bacterial debris residue. While such does appear a possibility, actual practice did not produce such an our evaluations. Our staff postulated a number of speculations for the actual circumstance! we experienced.......the most acceptable being that the debris was, actually, less toxic to the victim's alimentary system----than one might initially presume.

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