"starshar" <stars...@comcast.net> wrote:

  > Just a little something to add to the CS "mix"?

  > (with apologies if this has been posted here before)

  > http://www.borderlands.com/journal/lunar.htm

  > Sharon

  Sorry, Sharon,  but this is a myth. The quality of cs  you  make has
  nothing to do with sunspots, solar storms, eclipses, lunar tides, or
  the phase of the moon. It's lots of fun reading about  these things,
  but I'm  afraid the real answer is a bit closer to home.  It depends
  more on the convection currents in your generator than anything else.

  I'm getting  close  to uploading my SilverSol site  that  has  a new
  method of monitoring the brew. This shows the effect of ions as they
  reach their opposite electrodes and start forming  silver hydroxide,
  AgOH, in the Nernst Diffusion layer next to the electrodes.

  Normally the ions are invisible, but two of my  previous experiments
  showed how  to  make  them   visible   so  you  could  see  how they
  distributed themselves throughout the solution.

  These methods were unsuitable for the actual production of cs. But I
  have developed a new method that works during actual  cs production,
  and allows you to see the effects when the ions reach their opposite
  electrodes. This  is  extremely   valuable  for  achieving  peak ion
  concentration without having the solution turn yellow on you.

  So enjoy these articles, but please take them with a grain of salt.

Mike M.

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