Thanks to everyone for all the ideas and input!!
Once Cody gets settled in Tucson, I`ll pass it along, and hope he can manage
with life. He has a lovely wife and 2 really cute kids, who need a
functioning hubby and daddy!! He is a great guy.
BTW, he died at 15 and came back, wonder if that had any effect?
(He can tell you what it is like up there, amazing!!)

> My BIL and one SIL are both bipolar, and we lost a niece to what we think
was the start of the
> illness.  BIL and SIL take Lithium, and I would urge that, once on this,
urge your son to get
> monitored for levels regularly and adjust the dosage.  My BIL is very good
about this, and had
> only one episode that took him out of life for about a month.  My SIL is
not so good, and has had
> three really paralyzing incidences - lost everything and turned into a
zombie.  The problem with
> bipolars is, when they start to feel better, they think they don't need
the meds any more, and
> many will go off the meds.  Which usually puts them right back in the
> Linda

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