And how!
Silly me, after "brewing" my cayenne tincture for a full month, I squeezed the coffee filter I was straining the tincture through with my BARE HANDS! (I have no idea what I was thinking...) It took me a minute to figure out why my hands were on fire! And then it took 4 hours of ice, milk, cold water, and whatever else would work until the pain subsided. I will NEVER make that mistake again!

I was surprised to see someone (Bob?) suggest using DMSO and Cayenne tincture in conjunction. I find DMSO makes me itch somethin' fierce from the histamine release, and cayenne burns my skin, so to combine the two without some major dilution is slighty scary to me. BUT I am intrigued. I'd like to hear more of what one experiences with this combo.


Ed Kasper wrote:
As an after thought

after chopping peppers, etc be careful with where your
fingers go,

The best antidotes to any burning are dairy products such as
milk, yoghurt and ice cream.