This is a great inexpensive homemade recipe to clean your silver. The author
is Graham Haley of Haley's Cleaning Hints 
    1 teaspoon water softener 
    1 teaspoon salt 
    1 cup heated water 
Place the above three in a glass baking dish or cup on top of aluminum foil.
 Dip your silver and a moment later . . . . . say Voila! 
Note: - Not recommended for silver with stones. 
-------Original Message------- 
From: Ed Kasper 
Date: 9/5/2006 11:23:19 PM 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Thanks Ode. 
Is that the way the silver cleaner works. Putting baking 
soda in water with a piece of aluminum foil? 

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