How about one from ebay maybe?

"M. G. Devour" <> wrote:  Dear Marshalee,

You write:
> Yeah, but with these painful swollen feet, the thought of ibouncing on
> them boggles my mind! Plus I`m too darn near 300, probably break the
> tramp... sigh.

You'd need to buy a really *good* one, but a rebounder is probably one 
of the best exercise options you have with your current issues.

For one example, the Reboundair quarter fold costs about $300. It's 
guaranteed for users up to 400 pounds. Buy the stabilizer bar with it 
and you'll have something to hang onto while you get your sea legs.


You're exactly right. Anything of lesser quality will be destroyed in 
short order. Stuff from Wal-Mart or similar sources won't hold up.

All you need to do is stand on it and bounce gently up and down. Your 
feet never need to leave the mat. A few minutes at a time, a few times 
a day to begin with. As you gain stamina and confidence you'll find 
yourself doing more. It's easy to do while watching TV. It's fun.

Your lymphatic circulation will be helped immensely. It should also 
help your joints in the long run.

Not cheap, but a good value. Might not be possible for you, budget-
wise, but I'm confident it would help you.

Good luck, ma'am!

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[ ]
[Speaking only for myself... ]

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