Alright, Marshall. Since you ask that I elaborate, I will.

I have been following the Budwig Protocol since October of 2005, in a
desperate attempt to save my dog from cancer. I still participate on their
forum at
This forum is specifically set up to deal with the Budwig protocol and is
guided extremely well by moderators, some of whom are cancer patients in
remission, all of whom have studied all the materials produced by Dr.
Budwig. Their files contain testimonials, recipes, availability of books,
responses to questions such as "counter-productive" protocols, availability
of foods, materials, etc. I steer interested seekers to it, rather than
attempt to provide an answer myself, being less knowledgeable than others.
They cannot overemphasize on that forum that one must strictly adhere to the
Budwig protocol, without modifications that seem good to this or that
individual. (If that is the protocol that they have chosen to follow). While
other protocols may not directly cause harm, they can negate the effects of
the Budwig regimen. It is a mistake to start with private opinions of
individuals, no matter how "scientifically worded" they may be, on a forum
other than the one which specializes on a particular subject. 
It is like claiming to be studying the Bible by starting out with the
DaVinci Code.

There are individuals lurking on several health related forums, seeking
opportunities to act as consultants and providers of services and products.
The Flaxseed oil forum prohibits such mercenary practices. Last year I was
approached by one such individual, who has been banned from that site. That
individual is here, now. Without mentioning a name I ring the bell of

I cannot add anything else that is constructive.


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