Chris Gupta
  Think of your eyeball as a balloon full of water, but instead of being 
rubber, it is a protein membrane. Optical tissue normally allows fluids to flow 
through the membrane wall which acts like a filter, cleaning out harmful 
particles, keeping your eyes clear and your vision good as it allows nutrients 
to permeate. But should the membranes become tough like leather, the fluids are 
trapped and particles begin to accumulate. If this buildup continues, your 
vision will seem as if you're looking through frosted glass, a condition known 
as cataracts.
  When eyedrops containing the proper amount of MSM are applied, the membrane 
becomes permeable, and this has reversed the problem. It is also important that 
the eye remain flexible so that the muscles can alter its contour and focus as 
needed. In the event that its membranes and muscles become rigid and tough, the 
eye will not be able to focus properly, resulting in blurred vision. The MSM in 
eyedrops soothes and softens the membranes, permitting fluids to pass through 
the optical tissues to stabilize the pressure, repair any damage, clear up red 
spots and bloodshot vessels, and remove floaters and other particles in the eye.
  In one case, a 15 percent solution of MSM in isotonic saline was a soothing 
treatment for the eye following accidental injury due to particulate matter in 
the eye. In a test with an irritated eye of a rabbit, the eye cleared when 
treated every hour with a 10 percent aqueous solution of MSM. Be assured, the 
concentration in the MSM eye drops you get will be sufficient. Follow the 
instructions on the label.
  As noted earlier, the B vitamins in general and the sulfur-related amino 
acids and compounds are vital to maintaining healthy eyes. Specifically, we've 
learned that glucosamine is the starting material for the eyes, that 
glutathione promotes good eye health and low levels accompany almost every type 
of eye disease. We also know that people suffering from the eye disease 
retinitis pigmentosa show reduced levels of taurine within the eye."
  Hi Chris,
Typical MSM eye drops are around 1% from what I hear. Is 15% safe?
  At 07:07 PM 4/7/00 -0400, you wrote:
Message text written by
>Here is how to make the cataract solution form MSM. Just remember to use 
the pure powder. You can make the 15% solution by mixing 1.5 grams of MSM 
in 10 ml of water (two teaspoons). Its best to make small batches for 
freshness. Use 2 to 4 times daily.<
  Thanks. Maybe we could make the solution in 5ppm colloidal silver as a
  Great idea! Another would be to buy saline solution for contact lenses ( this 
has preservative already in it) and mix the MSM in it. For those who do not 
have access to colloidal silver. Also not sure if MSM will react with silver... 
Think it would be best to go the inert route first than check out the CS idea.
Just a note to say as a 6-month subscriber to the CS maillist, MSM mixed
with CS works just fine, in fact is recommended for use in an inhaler
for those with respiratory ailments. The ppm of CS doesn't matter much,
since it's difficult to control when making it yourself. Most folks make
in the 5-15ppm range.
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    posted by Chris Gupta on Wednesday September 3 2003
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

Carlos PĂ©rez <> wrote:
  Hello, friends,

I am very glad Mike and team have fixed the list problem.

I have progressive eye cataracts that started around 10 years ago, when I 

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