At 06:16 PM 3/18/2007, you wrote: Debbie, please go to <www.mercola.htm> and do a search on cholesterol Read and then stop worrying.zoe

Thanks for all the great info...I was concerned about my cholestral levels being high and thought it might be because I use butter ...thanks again ...debbie

How old are you? How high is your cholesterol? In older women higher cholesterol levels are very protective -- to a point.
I found that info at, like Zoe says.

Heart disease is due to the intake of too much sugar/starch/carbohydrate. We've been lied to - big time!

The Great Cholesterol Con  (book) by Anthony Colpo  [quote]
The shocking, sordid tale of the cholesterol scam - a mind-boggling saga of ignorance, corruption, deceit and greed - is a subject worthy of an entire book! So that's exactly what I've done; after years of research, I've finally put together The Great Cholesterol Con: Why Everything You've Been Told About Cholesterol, Diet and Heart Disease is Wrong! * A single disgruntled researcher, who conducted some of the sloppiest and most shamelessly biased research ever seen, was largely responsible for launching the anti-animal fat/anti-cholesterol mania as we know it today! * The rise in coronary heart disease that occurred during the twentieth century had nothing whatsoever to do with saturated fat intake! * Study after study has shown that people with so-called 'healthy' low cholesterol levels actually live shorter lives! * Upon closer scrutiny, the very studies that have formed the cornerstone of the anti-cholesterol argument actually show that cholesterol and saturated fat are not harmful! * Numerous populations consuming high saturated fat diets have been documented to enjoy very low rates of heart disease! * Over fifty years' worth of clinical dietary intervention trials have completely failed to show any mortality benefit among those following saturated fat-restricted diets - in fact, several of these studies showed higher death rates among those assigned to diets low in saturated fats! * Many dietary recommendations made by 'experts' to reduce heart disease have actually been shown in animal and human studies to increase heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity! * The primary force behind the anti-cholesterol paradigm is not public health, but greed! Drug companies, food companies, the medical profession, and health organizations all make billions in dollars of profit from the cholesterol theory!

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