On 4 January 2016 at 18:10, Mark Pizzolato <m...@infocomm.com> wrote:
> I still need a RSTS disk image and configuration file which has several 
> configured and attempts to start the network....
I've setup a small RSTS/E 10.1-L system with DECnet; it's kitted out
with a DELUA, DMR11, and a DMC11.

Here's the output of "ncp show known nodes" and "ncp show known circuits":
$ ncp show known nodes
Known Node Volatile Summary as of 4-JAN-16 22:56:38

Executor Node = 11.94 (RSTS10)

State                      = On
Identification             = DECnet/E V4.1
Active Links               = 0

Remote Node = 11.70 (TESTME)

State                      = Unreachable

Remote Node = 11.84 (DRAGON)

State                      = Unreachable
$ ncp show known circuits
Known Circuit Volatile Summary as of 4-JAN-16 22:57:04

Circuit = DMR-0

State                      = On-Starting

Circuit = DMC-1

State                      = Off

Circuit = UNA-0

State                      = On
The DMC11 is only off because it's providing the constant barrage of
circuit initialization failures; on start up the circuit state is on.

And here is a Dropbox link to a 7-Zip archive of the system disk
(RA60) and the simulator configuration. You will want to change the
Ethernet device that the DELUA (XU) device connects to.

Christian M. Gauger-Cosgrove
Contact information available upon request.
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