On Mon, 12 Dec 2016, Jacob Goense wrote:

> >> On Dec 12, 2016, at 2:13 PM, Jacob Goense <d...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> >> I'm running simh in rather tight corners. Mostly VAX/780 and PDP-11/70
> >> with V6 or BSD. Simh runs in a browser, or, I have (too) many of them
> >> on underpowered Asus Eee PC's. Any tips on how I can check if I have
> >> taken things too far

> want to be able to say that it is not that far off from the original
> speed. I'm relatively young (from 1975) and lack the experience to
> have even the faintest clue what these speeds are.

For VAX-11/780 see the benchmark results and source code from Kashtan's 
research.  AUUGN-V02.4.pdf starting on PDF page 24. And see Joy's 
followup in AUUGN-V02.3.pdf (PDF Page 60). See 

While your OS may be different it has numbers for some different 
systems so may give you some rough estimates. If this code isn't online, 
it would be nice to make available (maybe put on github and let us 

(Hopefully someday soonI will get my book completed that has this 
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