I would start at CPU idle detection.


On 2016-12-12 22:29, khandy21yo wrote:
Is your speed problem limited to disk access, or is it also CPU related?
Running in a browser might mean that the disk access is going through
the network, which can slow it down excessively, There are several
bottlenecks on a system, like slow disks, that don't effect other
aspects, like instruction speed, it's important to determine exactly
where the speed limits exists.
CPU instruction speed, excessive swapping, disk bandwidth, terminal baud
water, . .. They can all be a problem, and it can be more than one at a

Sent from my Galaxy TabĀ® A

-------- Original message --------
From: Jacob Goense <d...@xs4all.nl>
Date: 12/12/16 12:13 PM (GMT-07:00)
To: simh@trailing-edge.com
Subject: [Simh] Reference performance benchmarks

I'm running simh in rather tight corners. Mostly VAX/780 and PDP-11/70
with V6 or BSD. Simh runs in a browser, or, I have (too) many of them
on underpowered Asus Eee PC's. Any tips on how I can check if I have
taken things too far? Like minimum values to look for in SHOW CLOCK,
or any tools I can run that can be referenced against same on real kit.

I run into the same question on the I/O end. During the installation
of v6 I can do dd if=/dev/mt0 of=/dev/rk1 bs=2048 count=1000 skip=1025
and it is done in a second on machine that is doing nothing else. With
simh running in a browser on a small busy machine it can take up to an
hour. I have no idea how to gauge how far this is off from real kit.
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