All this talk about proving something before doing it is beside the point.  We, as a species, as a government, as scientists, as individuals, never prove anything before we try it.  We just don't.  Think of the many examples of new stuff we have done.  Have we proved any of them would be safe before we did them?  No.  We're not going to prove that the Singularity is safe or Friendly before we make one.  I doubt if it's possible for a Singularity to be safe or Friendly, but I can't prove it. 
If you really were interested in working on the Singularity you would be designing your education plan around getting a job at the NSA.  The NSA has the budget, the technology, the skill set, and the motivation to build the Singularity.  Everyone else, universities, private companies, other governments, are lacking in some aspect compared to the NSA.  A close second is Japan.  They built robots that just lack a brain to be truly useful.  They build super computers.  They don't want to be number two in this race and they know it's a race, and they know who they are racing against.

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