I'm still relatively new to the field so of course i do not put a lot of
strength behind my opinions. I think there are some clarifications here that
could be useful, although it is highly improbable that you need them.

My overall argument is completely vindicated by what you say here.

(My wording was sometimes ambiguous in that last email, I confess, but
what I have been targeting is AIXI as proof, not AIXI as actual working

I only care about where AIXI gets the power of its proof, so it does not
matter to me whether a practical implementation [sic] of AIXI would
actually need to build a cognitive system.

It is not important whether it would do so in practice, because if the
proof says that AIXI is allowed to build a complete cognitive system in
the course of solving the IQ test problem, then what is the meaning of
"AIXI would equal any other intelligence starting with the same initial
knowledge set" .... well, yeah, of course it would, if it was allowed to
build something as sophisticated as that other intelligence!

It is like me saying "I can prove that I can make a jet airliner with my
bare hands" ..... and then when you delve into the proof you find that
my definition of "make" includes the act of putting in a phone call to
Boeing and asking them to deliver one.  Such a proof is completely

It is rather vacuous that AIXI's capability to (to some degree) simulate
another agent's [intellect] means it is on par with that agent['s
intellect]. However, AIXI also proves the antecedent and it is not merely an
assumption. This is different from s ilar circular arguments (in disguise).
On top of this, it proves that we can do better than this intellect and that
we may do optimal given limited data (in terms of what can be done given the

I think your example is a strawman argument here. What is counter-intuitive
is the definition of 'make' I believe. If you allow this to fall within the
definition, and take care to formulate a strict definition and not one of
varrying strength then any path is of equal "worth". Not everything is able
to phone Boeing and it is therefor not valueluess to know it is able to - it
does contribute information and it is merely a choice of scale. What would
you say that in your process of building the plane, your observation of
birds and the wind led you to think in similar manners, and not nec. exactly
the same, as the Wright's? If we do not allow a being to even implicitely (
i.e. without nec. realizing that it merely mimics another agent's train of
thought, albeit I do not personally consider it relevant), or having the
capabilities, to simulate that of another agent, in the world where every
possible agent does (or has) existed, any additional agents are condemned.

AIXI is valueless.


Richard Loosemore.

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