Matt Mahoney wrote:
--- Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Matt Mahoney wrote:

I doubt you could model sentence structure usefully with a neural network
capable of only a 200 word vocabulary.  By the time children learn to use
complete sentences they already know thousands of words after exposure to
hundreds of megabytes of language. The problem seems to be about O(n^2).
you double the training set size, you also need to double the number of
connections to represent what you learned.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The problem does not need to be O(n^2).

And remember: I used a 200 word vocabulary in a program I wrote 16 years ago, on a machine with only one thousandth of today's power.

And besides, solving the problem of understanding sentences could easily be done in principle with even a vocabulary as small as 200 words.

Richard Loosemore.

What did your simulation actually accomplish?  What were the results?  What do
you think you could achieve on a modern computer?

Oh, I hope there's no misunderstanding: I did not build networks to do any kind of syntactic learning, they just learned relationships between phonemic representations and graphemes. (They learned to spell). What they showed was something already known for the learning of pronunciation: that the system first learns spellings by rote, then increases its level of accuracy and at the same time starts to pick up regularities in the mapping. Then it starts to "regularize" the spellings. For example: having learned to spell "height" correctly in the early stages, it would then start to spell it incorrectly as "hite" because it had learned many other words in which the spelling of the phoneme sequence in "height" would involve "-ite". Then in the last stages it would learn the correct spellings again.

Simple results (there were a few more tentative ideas, but not much).

My goal has always been to understand exactly what to put into those kinds of mechanisms to get semantics and syntax to be learned in the same powerful way. That is a task that has occupied me for 20 years (since before those spelling networks, in fact).

What could I do today? Ask me in a year or so. My guess, given all the experience I have had writing systems and thinking about the issues involved, is that many of the puzzles involved in building systems that learn in a powerful way are actually *much* easier than people think they are, but to solve those puzzles we need to shake off a certain way of thinking. The solutions are just around the corner, but ain't nobody gonna see them if they won't actually believe me enough to go around the corner and look.

I do my best to shake people out of that way of thinking, but I feel like Stanislaw Lem's Ijon Tichy character, in the Seventh Voyage (in the book 'Star Diaries') where he tries to shake past versions of himself awake, but meets the stubborn resistance of people who really want to be left alone to do some more sleeping.

That's how it feels to me, from my POV.

Richard Loosemore

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