Matt Mahoney wrote:
--- Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Matt Mahoney wrote:
What did your simulation actually accomplish? What were the results?
What do
you think you could achieve on a modern computer?
Oh, I hope there's no misunderstanding: I did not build networks to do any kind of syntactic learning, they just learned relationships between phonemic representations and graphemes. (They learned to spell). What they showed was something already known for the learning of pronunciation: that the system first learns spellings by rote, then increases its level of accuracy and at the same time starts to pick up regularities in the mapping. Then it starts to "regularize" the spellings. For example: having learned to spell "height" correctly in the early stages, it would then start to spell it incorrectly as "hite" because it had learned many other words in which the spelling of the phoneme sequence in "height" would involve "-ite". Then in the last stages it would learn the correct spellings again.

That's interesting, because children make similar mistakes at higher language
levels.  For example, a child will learn an irregular verb like "went", then
later generalize to "goed" before switching back to the correct form.

Uh... I forgot to mention that explaining those data about child language learning was the point of the work. It's a well known effect, and this is one of the reasons why the connectionist models got everyone excited: psychological facts started to be explained by the performance of the connectionist nets.

I am convinced that similar neural learning mechanisms are involved at the
lexical and syntactic levels, but on different scales.  For example, we learn
to classify letters into vowels and consonants by their context, just as we do
for nouns and verbs.  Then we learn sequential patterns.  Just as every word
needs a vowel, every sentence needs a verb.

You are treading paths that could benefit from going back over the literature (basically psycholinguistics and connectionist). If you keep pursuing this line of thought you will be reading the path that I was on back in 1987 (I'm not being patronizing: just trying to give you a heads up).

The next problem that you will face, along this path, is to figure out how you can get such nets to elegantly represent such things as more than one token of a concept in one sentence: you can't just activate the "duck" node when you here that phrase from the Dire Straits song Wild West End: "I go down to Chinatown ... Duck inside a doorway; Duck to Eat".

Then you'll need to represent sequential information in such a way that you can do something with it. Recurrent neural nets suck very badly if you actually try to use them for anything, so don't get fooled by their Soren Song.

Then you will need to represent layered representations: concepts learned from conjunctikons of other concepts rather than layer-1 percepts. Then represent action, negation, operations, intentions, variables.......

When you've done that you are in the world of Generalized Connectionism. That's what I do.

I think that learning syntax is a matter of computational power.  Children
learn the rules for segmenting continuous speech at 7-10 months, but don't
learn grammar until years later.  So you need more training data and a larger
network.  The reason I say the problem is O(n^2) is because when you double
the information content of the training data, you need to double the number of
number of connections to represent it.  Actually I think it is a little less
than O(n^2) (maybe O(n^2/log n)?) because of redundancy in the training data. There are about 1000 times more words than there are letters, so this suggests
you need 100,000 times more computing power for adult level grammar.  This
might explain why the problem is still unsolved.

Your numbers contain way too many assumptions about the process. When I said that it was not O(n^2) I meant that in practice that is not what *we* needed. I believe it was logN, but such stuff just was not important enough for me to track it.

It is just not procuctive to focus on the computaional complexity issues at this stage: gotta get a lot of mechanisms tried out before we can even begin to talk about such stuff (and, as I say, I don't believe we will really care even then).

Richard Loosemore.

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