Alan Grimes wrote:
Or are you a plant to poison this list like so many others you have
deservedly been kicked off of?

I can't imagine who would send someone as incompitent as myself for such
a task. As you pointed out I frequently get banned from these lists,
most often for denouncing Friendly AI and RYUC.
Actually, it is usually for such an unloading of emotional rant in public as you recently took it upon yourself to favor us with.
 Surely someone intending
to de-rail the transhumanist movement would send someone far more
Actually no. It only takes a few very unpleasant incidents to drive many good people from a list. I have seen it many times. Yes, you probably were not purposefully planted. But that is irrelevant. You are poisoning the list environment, such as it is.

 Such a person would do everything possible to remain on the
list's good graces and seek to render it impotent by distracting it by
focusing its attention on matters that he knows cannot be resolved. Take
the recent thread on identity issues and pattern identity theory.
No argument that a lot of intellectualized hot air of no real consequence is expended in these lists.

It is
a classic argument that anyone familiar with singularitarian discussion
groups knows will suck up vast amounts of time and energy which could
otherwise be used for productive purposes. I don't doubt there is a
plant here but he's not me.

[out of order]
This list should care about your computer problems and apparent
ineptitude, why?

And why not? Is the much more intimate connection between man and
technology the actual central topic of this list? If it is not obvious
to you, the reason I bring these things up is that the blithe assumption
of all of these discussions of uploading, brain computer interfacing,
and all other related subjects, that the actual bare-metal interface
will be acceptable, practical, desirable, and essential, in that order.

It isn't obvious to me that whining about very mundane computer issues will get us to a vastly improved computational environment. If that is your goal I believe a much more constructive approach is needed. But no one is talking about bare-metal or using today's strandard computer architecture for such purposes.

My contention is that the computer systems we have now are unacceptable,
and that all visible trends strongly indicate that they are getting
_WORSE_ at a breakneck speed. How could this not be the greatest concern
of the list?

I do not believe they are getting worse. I agree as a software developer for nearly three decades and dedicated technophile that they leave very much to be desired.

- samantha

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