
My name is Xavier, doing a Part time PhD in the UK. I am currently register with the Creative Media department. I have just recently started and did not yet come up with a research question, still need to read more. But I have narrowed down my interests with embodiment in virtual worlds. I would like maybe to focus more on the complexity of 3D environments and how it can interact with a virtual agent to be able to build AI.

I have started researching but most of the content with virtual embodiment I have read so far point towards Novamente upcoming work with second life, doesn't seem that too many academic people are researching this area. I have been in contact in people in second life who setup meetings on AI too.

I would be interested to know if there are a group of PhD students researching this field or other discussion forums that would help me to formulate my research question. I am more in the philosophical approach rather than the programing side of AI due to the department i do my study in but I wont mind developing simulations and tests in virtual worlds.



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