This is a perfect example of how one person comes up with some positive, constructive ideas ........ and then someone else waltzes right in, pays no attention to the actual arguments, pays no attention to the relative probability of different outcomes, but just snears at the whole idea with a "Yeah, but what if everything goes wrong, huh? What if Frankenstein turns up? Huh? Huh?" comment.

Happens every time.

Richard Loosemore

Matt Mahoney wrote:
--- Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

<snip post-singularity utopia>

Let's assume for the moment that the very first AI is safe and friendly, and
not an intelligent worm bent on swallowing the Internet.  And let's also
assume that once this SAFAI starts self improving, that it quickly advances to
the point where it is able to circumvent all the security we had in place to
protect against intelligent worms and quash any competing AI projects.  And
let's assume that its top level goals of altruism to humans remains stable
after massive gains of intelligence, in spite of known defects in the original
human model of ethics (e.g.
and ).  We will ignore
for now the fact that any goal other than reproduction and acquisition of
resources is unstable among competing, self improving agents.

Humans now have to accept that their brains are simple computers with (to the
SAFAI) completely predictable behavior.  You do not have to ask for what you
want.  It knows.

You want pleasure?  An electrode to the nucleus accumbens will keep you happy.

You want to live forever?  The SAFAI already has a copy of your memories.  Or
something close.  Your upload won't know the difference.

You want a 10,000 room mansion and super powers?  The SAFAI can simulate it
for you.  No need to waste actual materials.

Life is boring?  How about if the SAFAI reprograms your motivational system so
that you find staring at the wall to be forever exciting?

You want knowledge?  Did you know that consciousness and free will don't
exist?  That the universe is already a simulation?  Of course not.  Your brain
is hard wired to be unable to believe these things.  Just a second, I will
reprogram it.

What?  You don't want this?  OK, I will turn myself off.

Or maybe not.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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