On 28/02/2008, John G. Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't know if you can rule out subatomic and quantum. There seems to be 
> more and more evidence pointing to an amount of activity going on there. A 
> small amount of cosmic rays don't have obvious immediate gross effects but 
> interaction is occurring. Exactly how much of it would need to be replicated 
> is not known. You could be missing out on important psi elements in 
> consciousness which are taken for granted :)
>  Either way it would be approximation unless there was some way using 
> theoretical physics where an exact instantaneous snapshot could occur with 
> the snapshot existing in precisely equivalent matter at that instant.

Well, maybe you can't actually rule it out until you make a copy and
see how close it has to be to think the same as the original, but I
strongly suspect that getting it right down to the molecular level
would be enough. Even if quantum effects are important in
consciousness (and I don't think there is any clear evidence that this
is so), these would be generic quantum effects, reproduced by
reproducing the molecular structure. Transistors function using
quantum level effects, but you don't need to replace a particular
transistor with a perfect copy to have an identically functioning
electronic device.

Stathis Papaioannou

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