If we assume 2x2x2 block of space floating somewhere, and would assign each
element the value 1 if a single atom happens to be inside the subspace
defined by the grid, and 0 if not. How many ways would there be to read this
grid to create (2*2*2) = 8bits? The answer is 8! = 40 320. Lets then assume
that a single atom can hold atleast 100 bits[1], there would be atleast 9 *
10^157 ways to read a single atom. This is just by calculating the different
permutations, but we can also apply *any* mathematical calculation to our
information reading algorithm. One would be the 'NOT' argument, which simply
inverses our bits. This already doubles the amount of bits we can extract.
If you take this further, we can read *all* different permutations of 100
bits from a single atom. For any string of bits, there exists at least one
algorithm to calculate it from any input, since a single bit could be
calculated into 10 if the bit is 0, and 11 if the bit is 1 or example.

It must then be concluded that you can construct an algorithm/computer to
read a static string of bits that defines any human state of consciousness
(the string of bits could for example be calculated to match exactly those
bits that would be in the memory of a computer that simulates a human brain)
from pretty much any space or substrate.

One opposition people have is that "most" of that complexity is actually in
the algorithm itself, but that is irrelevant if it still creates

If we assume that our universe has some kind of blind physical law, that has
as input the atoms/matter/energy in some space, and then searches through
all the possible algorithms, it is bound to find atleast one that should
create consciousness. It would be quite a miracle if this physical law would
have a human bias, and would think like humans to only create consciousness
when the computation is done in biological neurons. If you say that
computers cannot be truly conscious, you're saying that the universe has
some kind of magical human bias, which seems to be religious thinking to me.

As I showed, some space can be interpreted as many different kinds of
computation (actually a *massive* number), only our human perspective forces
us to choose the interpretation that fits us. For example, if we create a
computer that calculates bullet trajectories, we interpret it to do just
that. But it can be interpreted 'in theory' to mean many other things, but
we only care of the computation we designed it for. A small box of 3 atoms
bouncing around can be interpreted to mean a massive number of different
computations, in addition of simulation 3 atoms.

As it is trivial to read a static string of bits to match some state of
consciousness, some argue that it is not enough. They claim that a single
state is not enough to create consciousness. However, to imagine a computer
that not only creates the first string of bits in the consciousness
computation, but also the second one (and possibly more ad infinitum) just
makes the algorithm/computer more complex, but is not an argument against
the thought experiment.

1. The Singularity is Near, Ray Kurzweil

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