This is part of the idea underlying OpenCog (, though it's
being done
in a nonprofit vein rather than commercially...

On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 1:55 AM, John G. Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just a thought, maybe there are some commonalities across AGI designs where
>  components could be built at a lower cost. An investor invests in the
>  company that builds component x that is used by multiple AGI projects. Then
>  you have your little AGI ecosystem of companies all competing yet
>  cooperating. After all, we need to get the Singularity going ASAP so that we
>  can upload before inevitable biologic death? I prefer not to become
>  nano-dust I'd rather keep this show a rockin' capiche?
>  So it's like this - need standards. Somebody go bust out an RFC. Or is there
>  work done on this already like is there a CogML? I don't know if the
>  Semantic Web is going to cut the mustard... and the name "Semantic Web" just
>  doesn't have that ring to it. Kinda reminds me of the MBone - names really
>  do matter. Then who's the numnutz that came up with "Web 3 dot oh" geezss!
>  John
>  > -----Original Message-----
>  > From: Matt Mahoney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  > Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 7:07 PM
>  > To:
> > Subject: Re: [singularity] Vista/AGI
>  >
>  > Perhaps the difficulty in finding investors in AGI is that among people
>  > most
>  > familiar with the technology (the people on this list and the AGI list),
>  > everyone has a different idea on how to solve the problem.  "Why would I
>  > invest in someone else's idea when clearly my idea is better?"
>  >
>  >
>  > -- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >
>  -------------------------------------------
>  singularity
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Ben Goertzel, PhD
CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
Director of Research, SIAI

"If men cease to believe that they will one day become gods then they
will surely become worms."
-- Henry Miller

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