--- Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My point was how do you test the *truth* of items of knowledge. Google tests
> the *popularity* of items. Not the same thing at all. And it won't work.

It does work because the truth is popular.  Look at prediction markets.  Look
at Wikipedia.  It is well known that groups make better decisions as a whole
than the individuals in those groups (e.g. democracies vs. dictatorships). 
Combining knowledge from independent sources and testing their reliability is
a well known machine learning technique which I use in the PAQ data
compression series.  I understand the majority can sometimes be wrong, but the
truth eventually comes out in a marketplace that rewards truth.

Perhaps you have not read my proposal at http://www.mattmahoney.net/agi.html
or don't understand it.  Most AGI projects don't even address the problem of
conflicting or malicious information.  If you have a better way of dealing
with it, please let us know.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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