I'm not familiar with either of these "features", but I do agree that 
you can invent features that would require a B2BUA.


Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
> El Martes, 23 de Septiembre de 2008, Paul Kyzivat escribió:
>> Iñaki,
>> While many "pbx"s (including those from my employer) are implemented as
>> B2BUAs, it is possible to implement pbx functionality without a B2BUA.
>> (Dale and Scott can explain to you how they do it.)
> Sure, I don't doubt it at all. But the example I told ("redirecting the call 
> to other destination when the leg B ends") is just possible with a B2BUA, and 
> under my understanding that is a really commonly requested feature in any 
> PBX.
> Also, if you want the PBX to ends a call after X seconds it must be a B2BUA 
> (a 
> proxy cannot generate in-dialog messages). Am I wrong?
> Thanks for your comment.
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