On Thu, 2009-02-05 at 09:18 -0500, Gilmour, Scott wrote:
> All,
> I upgraded to 3.10.3 the other day and now I am unable to make calls
> with my Siemens Optipoint 410 advance phones.
> I even started from Factory Defaults and reconfigured my phones and
> the sipXecs Server and it still fails.
> When I go to make a call I get a message on my phone cleared unknown
> and then I get a sound that sounds like a busy signal.
> Any Ideas.  This was working fine in 3.10.1 Firmware.

To debug this, you'll need to trace the message flow and see
what's going wrong.  See:


when you get the trace data, take a look at it using sipviewer
and/or post the trace with a description of your configuration
(identify components by IP address), what you were doing, and
which call in the trace you're talking about (by call-id or
frame number in the trace, preferably).

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