Scott Lawrence wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-05-21 at 20:22 +0100, Sen Heng wrote:
>> I had same problem with call transfer. I can hear "your call will be
>> transfered" but it stay there forwever.
>> I wonder, does Sipx need setup a inbound Dial Plan or it should
>> transfer automaticlly?
> Unfortunately, this is one of those cases where the same symptom may
> have many different causes.  A good illustration of why listening to the
> noises (whatever they are) on the phone is not sufficient for debugging
> SIP calls.
> To analyze this issue, a snapshot that records the configuration and
> logs of the problem occurring are needed.
> Set the logging on the affected components (which always include the
> proxy and registrar) to at least INFO level (this is normally
> sufficient, and will make the snapshot smaller than DEBUG).  You must
> restart any component for the log level change to take effect.
> If possible, it's even better to change the log level, then stop your
> services, delete all the log files (rm -f /var/log/sipxpbx/*), and
> then start the services.
> Once the logging change is in effect, reproduce the problem.  Note the
> time it occurred as precisely as you can (using the system time itself
> is best), and any other details (caller, callee, etc).  If you can
> identify the problem calls using the CDRs this is also helpful.
> Take a snapshot (under the Diagnostics tab) of the system.  If you are
> using redundant systems (HA), you must take snapshots of both systems.

Clarification: sipXconfig automatically takes a snapshot on all configured
servers in HA cluster. You will see multiple snapshot links in UI: one per

> Attach the snapshot(s) to the issue, along with the problem
> description; make sure you include:
>   - What you did
>       Include the identifying information for the calls as above
>       (times, caller, etc).
>   - What you expected to happen
>   - What you observed actually did happen

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