Thank you, Scott!

I informed this user to check this router settings and he has found out
some settings for sip on his router. After disabling these sip settings
everything is ok and he is able to register :)

You information was very useful for me, i hope also for other users
subscribed to this list, because i didn't know that this can make

Robert, maybe your problem is related to firewall settings, is 5060 port
is open?

Thanks again!

On Mon, 2009-06-22 at 16:06 -0400, Scott Lawrence wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-06-22 at 22:53 +0300, dimitris wrote:
> > I have a small experience on sipx 4.0.... by the way i have face a same
> > problem but not with "unauthorized" issue... i had a "timeout"
> > problem...
> > Everything solved making the registration to port 5070 and not the
> > default 5060... It worked for me... Is this a little bit strange or
> > not ?
> You should always send registrations to 5060.

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