natif wrote:

>but even with patton (MP4114)
>I've some issue (call not hangup when called hangup, call cut...).
>Issue are send to the support of Patton, waiting for an answer (but
>support tell me that they are working on...).
Here are the 2  main issues I encountered with the Patton gateways, and 
their solutions.  Hope this helps...

ISSUE 1: Gateway doesn't hang-up incoming call when far end hangs up 
(disconnect tone heard on line)..

SOLUTION 1: Go to the Patton website and download the tone set 
configuration for the country you are in.  Save the running config in 
the Patton, download the saved config, and add the tone-set to it 
(replacing any existing tone-set).  Re-upload the config to the Patton 
and reboot.  Go to each of the FXO Interfaces, select the correct tone 
set as its tone profile, and make sure that both "Loop break" and "Busy 
Tone" are checked under disconnect signals.  Remember to save the 
running configuration again afterwards.

ISSUE 2: Gateway hangs up outgoing call after approx. 20 seconds with no 
apparent reason.

SOLUTION 2: At first glance it appears that you can connect to the 
Patton without providing a number for it to dial, in order to get the 
real PSTN dialtone, but this is what causes the issue stated above.  The 
reason is that if you connect to the Patton without providing a number 
for it to dial, it expects you to provide individual digits using 
Overlap Dialling (which SipXecs doesn't support).  If it doesn't receive 
any Overlap Dialling, the Patton will timeout and drop the call.  This 
happens even if you send in-band DTMF tones in the RTP stream, or DTMF 
in SIP INFO packets.  There may be ways to extend the timeout or even to 
disable it, but that's not a particularly wise thing to do.  The 
solution then is to always send the Patton a number to dial.

Hope those help.  I'll get around to adding them to the wiki at some point.

Best regards,
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