On 3/24/2010 6:27 PM, Scott Lawrence wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-03-24 at 17:24 -0500, Matthew Kitchin (public/usenet)
> wrote:
>>>> On 3/24/2010 3:37 PM, Tony Graziano wrote:
>>>>> Only been up for a couple of days but definitely quashed my zombie (FS
>>>>> CPU) with it.
>>>> This issue is definitely fixed in the latest version? I haven't seen any
>>>> updates on the open ticket. that will be a blessing for me when I am
>>>> able to upgrade to a version where this issue is resolved.
>>> Queries as to the state of issues are much easier to respond to when
>>> they actually cite the issue id or url.
>>> In general, the issue status is the tracker is as up to date as
>>> possible.  Depending on circumstances (especially when the developer has
>>> not been able to reliably reproduce the reported symptom), marking an
>>> issue Resolved may be deferred until after the original reporter has
>>> been able to verify the fix, but in any event comments in the issue
>>> should reflect what is known at any one time.
>> Sorry. http://track.sipfoundry.org/browse/XX-7751
> I believe that the current state of things on that one is that we have
> not been able to make it happen, nor have we been able to definitely
> assign a cause based on the (substantial) collection of data we've
> gotten.  That's the bad news.
> The good news is that that is an older version of freeswitch than we've
> got on the 4.1/2 branch, and it's not inconceivable that the problem has
> been fixed.   I hope that a couple of the sites that do seem to be able
> to make this happen can try the earliest releases of 4.2 so that we can
> gain some confidence that it really has gone away.
For anyone that is interested, this bug ticket has been marked resolved 
with these comments
"Tony upgraded his problematic 4.0.4 system to 4.1.x. Before the issue
happened at least one a day. Now it hasn't happened in over 7 days.

There are 100's of changed between Freeswitch 1.03 and 1.05 so it is 
very possible
that the problem has been fixed even though I could not find a specific 
Jira that covers this problem."
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