> Do you mean where you say that you didn't take a snapshot because you
> forgot about it?

I didn't even think and didn't even remember that. My first thought was to ask 
if this was something others had seen first.
That's it, nothing mysterious about it.

> If you wish to not spin your wheels, do the *one thing* that might help
> diagnose your problem.  Asking on the list "Has anyone seen a malfunction
> that looks like this before?" is *not* a useful diagnostic technique --

Strange that you're all over me about this, pretty sure I've seen others simply 
post asking if others had seen some sort of behavior.

> And please stop complaining about the lack of diagnostic facilities in
> sipXecs until you remember to use the diagnostic facilities that it does
> contain.

To someone like me, sorry Dale, but that's not much of a diagnostics tool for 
the average user. Maybe it is for folks who work on these things day in and day 
out but that's not me. 99% of the time, sipx is working just fine and I move on 
to other things since my life isn't only phone systems so I tend to quickly 
forget what I learned.

As I said, at some point, I will hire help and you won't have to be burdened 
with my asking for help now and then.

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