On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 10:07 PM, jun,wen <jun....@msn.com> wrote:
> Is that the master-4.2 branch I expected ?

 "I'd like to follow the master-4.2 branch, not the fork of Avaya."

It's a bit hard to interpret this but access to any code from avaya,
version 4.2 or main is actually not available anymore. You may want to
contact avaya for more information if that is what you wanted.  Their
repos was
and returns 404 now.

If you wanted the official source code of sipXecs from SIPfoundry,
then you've got the right code.

> When I want to do the same thing on git as I did "svn co" to look for the
> updated source code, should I always use get clone ? It seems to compress
> and download all of the source code.

here is a great cheat sheet for users coming from svn

so "git clone" is like "svn co", but you if you want to get updates
your source you want to use "git pull origin master-4.2"
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