Patrick Dowler wrote:
> On 2007-11-8 10:32, Andrea Righi wrote:
>>> Since rysnc is generally supplied by the linux distribution separately, I
>>> would not like to see SI require something that will conflict with what
>>> is provided by the base system. That's a headache and will just leave a
>>> lot of users back at SI 3.9.x until their distro goes to rsync 3. For
>>> fedora (which we use), that means a new release (at least f8, maybe f9)
>>> as they would not put it into an existing release as an update (if I
>>> understand the policy, and the policy is why we use fedora).
>> There's a misunderstanding here... using rsync 3.0.0pre4 wouldn't introduce
>> any additional requirements. It will be only used by systemimager itself to
>> build the initrd_template and the BOEL initrd.img (read: it'll be
>> automatically shipped into the systemimager initrd).
> Ah, I get it. The rsync3 is packaged into the autoinstall system. Would 
> getimage/updateclient continue to use the system rsync? 



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