On Wed, 16 Dec 2009 00:35:27 -0500, Kent Quirk wrote:

> First, sarcasm isn't the best way to get a positive response.
> Second, we do listen -- not only this time, but many times in the  
> past. We hear a lot, including a fair amount of contradictory advice.
> .../...

Not wanting to start a flame war or add more sarcasms, but I'm afraid
Linben Lab did not take very wise neither profitable (for both LL and
the residents) decisions in the past, thus why old-timers can only fear
more hasted and illogical/harmful decisions... Examples ? Here are only
a few:

- The new (well, now over two years old) decentralized groups system
(which used to work just fine as a centralized architecture before
the v1.17 viewer and correpsonding server were issued), which has proven
totally unreliable and unscalable (see the JIRA about "more than 25
groups", and all the complaints about group chat and group notices
failures). Note that this was an unilateral decision from LL and that
no discussion whatsoever occured prior to this change, and that LL
ignored all complaints since...

- The search system, which again used to work just fine and provided
both relevant and, most important, *fair* results before the web-based
search engine was forced down our throats, here again, without any
discussion whatsoever and is now universally recognized as a distaster
among all merchants and customers alike (by the day the official viewer
lost its "All(old)" search tab, my incomes as a merchant droped by a
whooping 50% !). Here again, LL did nothing to date to correct the

- The dramatic changes in sim pricing and prim support limits (and
the consequences with closed and reduced number of sims).

- The Adult segregation fiasco (again a drop for "Adult" merchants
incomes: 30% for me so far, thank you LL !). There has been a
"discussion" but it was pretty moot since LL had already decided they
would create an "Adult" continent and did not change a single thing in
their plan despite the vehement protests and numerous interesting and
viable counter-proposals.
The true solution was to make a PG continent, but of course, since LL
already decided and worked on the adult continent even before they
opened the "discussion" about the coming changes, it was too late...

The result ?... A user base which at best stagnates and actually goes
down (In now over two years, the "logged in last 60 days" figure on
the login screen went from a little over 1 500 000 in November 2007
(all times record) to under 1 400 000 nowadays), and merchants who
struggle to no avail and will soon leave SL "en masse" for greener
pastures (the next disaster to come for merchants is the new XStreet
policy about freebies which, curiously, will mostly impact non-
freebies !  LL's greed is simply infinite... and will kill their own
business !).

Well, I guess you got the hint...

Now, let's go back to the topic: scripts limits...

My dear Q, since you say you do listen, and since I'm ready to
believe you, here is an advice:

Do not do things the wrong way around. Before imposing *any* limit
on scripts, provide scripters with better functions. My own scripted
products are high quality with a lot of features, and they do use
a lot of scripts. Not so much because they need mega-bytes of
memory to run (I started programming back in the 70s, on 6502 and
6800 processors, with 1Kb of ROM and 256 bytes of RAM, so I think
I do know what optimization means), but simply because there are
no other way than to use slave scripts for child prims (and often,
in average you need one script per prim in the final object): with
the proper functions, I could easily reduce by 70% the number of
scripts, in turn lowering the load imposed on sim and asset
servers when an avatar with scripted attachments enters a new
region (70% less scripts to serialize in the departing sim, send to
the asset server, then fetch back from the asset server and finally
deserialize in the arrival sim)...

Many LSL functions could (should !) be added to avoid having to use
secondary scripts, such as llLinkParticleSystem(), llSetLinkText(),
llGetLinkDesc(), llSetLinkDesc(), llSetLinkName(), etc (in short, it
should be possible for a script in the root primitive to retrieve and
change all the parameters of any of its child primitives), and also fix
the broken functions (see https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-93
for example)...

These new/debugged functions should be made available to scripters
long (at least 6 months) before any limit is imposed to them, so to
let them enough time to adapt their scripts and for merchants to
update their products. Unless LL's new mission is to break existing
contents and bring features below what is already possible in OpenSim,
which would definitely hasten the "en masse" migration (for your info,
the ONLY reason why I did not myself completely migrate to OpenSim
grids is precisely because scripts are so much more reliable on SL)...


Henri Beauchamp.

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