Also, "first comes wins" is completely out of the picture here.
The "bidding" is really just a priority, equal to the (additive) inverse
of the percentage used (of their fair share). The result will be that
in the maximum loaded case everyone gets the same percentage (100% of
what they are entitled to), while at a lesser load everyone (who tries
still gets the same percentage (ie, 130%), while others that don't
want script memory would voluntary stay at 70%.

It's a very good and honest system. Still need to build in a little
hysteresis to avoid it being instable, but those are minor technical
details that can be solved once the Lindens agree that this is more fair
and less of a waste of resources.

On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 11:05:35PM -0500, Darrius Gothly wrote:
> Oh good heavens, no. I would expect the bidding process to be out of reach 
> for the script code, insulated inside the Sim management code. That's an OS 
> level function and shouldn't be exposed to LSL or any other such external 
> process.
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Lear Cale
>   To:
>   Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2009 9:42 PM
>   Subject: Re: [sldev] Bidding System Algorithm for Allocation Script Memory
>   Ack, hysteresis.  First come wins, eh?  So, scripters will write scripts 
> that constantly bid until they get the memory the want and then squat on it 
> until it's actually needed?

Carlo Wood <>
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