On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 10:52:01AM -0800, David Simmons wrote:
> Virtual land do have real costs!. There are electrical costs, actual servers
> and physical san that cost money, support cost. As far as I know, Linden do 
> not
> get free network connection to the internet. An Linden employees don't work 
> for
> free.

That is the way it is implemented. Really fair would be if everyone paid
for the resources they used, being memory and cpu. With a different
implementation, land area should need to cost anything (beyond storing
the land-image and transfering it... maybe $1 per month per sim-area).

On top of that there are less measurable costs of course, like the
salary of employee's; but those kind of costs can just be added to
the costs of actually usage of resources with a multiplier (ie, pay
$2 per month per sim-area). But well... we'll never see this because
for some reason developers always think that "the users" are so stupid
that they won't understand anything else than what those developers
can implement (something simple)... and a variable bill that depends
on the resource usage of that month would not be understood by our
users: way, way too complex. [not going to make a remark here about
RL electricity and energy bills].

Carlo Wood <ca...@alinoe.com>
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