On 2009-12-19, at 18:06, Darrius Gothly wrote:
> Suggestion: A "Bidding System" for allocating memory resources on a  
> Sim.

> [complex scheme goes here]

Soft/hard quotas, "dedicated" or "peak" limits, are a well known, well  
understood, and widely used mechanism throughout the computer and  
telecommunications industry. You get a fairly low dedicated level of  
resources that you can always depend on. You get a variable, as- 
available level of resources when usage is low.

It's like your phone service, you get 300 minutes a month of talk time  
during peak hours, and unlimited evening and weekend minutes.

This works. There's no reason to create a more complex scheme, or  
worry about people not understanding it.

So on your 512 square meters of land, you get N megabytes dedicated,  
and 4N megabytes when the rest of the sim is empty. If your dance ball  
is programmed to only start up scripts when it needs to, then you can  
have a party on your parcel tonight, and your neighbor can have one  
tomorrow night, and nobody has a problem.
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