Also, a square meter allocation is wrong, since meters go up in larger
and larger steps with tier paid up to the size of the sim. Instead it
should be in steps, not meters. For example it is 195 to rent an
entire sim on mainland, but 5 dollars to rent the first 512 after your
base 512. That means that if the large owner were paying at the same
rate, he or she would have to pay $640 USD. Doing it by meters would
make small parcel owners have to pay much more for the same resource.
A very good way to drive tier holders out, is to put them, again, on
the short end of a system that favors big land owners substantiall,
inthis case by as much as a factor of 3, for resource allocation.

On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 7:25 AM, Lillian Yiyuan <> wrote:
> And we all find ways around it, and al the cellphone companies
> offerways around it (calling circles and so on). Adopting a broken
> model just because it is well understood, means that you understand
> the model is brorked, and everyone will know it is borked from day 1.
> A bidding model, should the "currency" be determined, will lead to the
> least waste of resources, where as a dedicated limit will make life
> very unhappy as small parcels with people on them are lagged into the
> ground, while the empty mall next door eats the sim resources.
> On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 6:58 AM, Argent Stonecutter
> <> wrote:
>> On 2009-12-19, at 18:06, Darrius Gothly wrote:
>>> Suggestion: A "Bidding System" for allocating memory resources on a
>>> Sim.
>>> [complex scheme goes here]
>> Soft/hard quotas, "dedicated" or "peak" limits, are a well known, well
>> understood, and widely used mechanism throughout the computer and
>> telecommunications industry. You get a fairly low dedicated level of
>> resources that you can always depend on. You get a variable, as-
>> available level of resources when usage is low.
>> It's like your phone service, you get 300 minutes a month of talk time
>> during peak hours, and unlimited evening and weekend minutes.
>> This works. There's no reason to create a more complex scheme, or
>> worry about people not understanding it.
>> So on your 512 square meters of land, you get N megabytes dedicated,
>> and 4N megabytes when the rest of the sim is empty. If your dance ball
>> is programmed to only start up scripts when it needs to, then you can
>> have a party on your parcel tonight, and your neighbor can have one
>> tomorrow night, and nobody has a problem.
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