Your view is entirely valid. But only on mainland. On private estates the
size of parcels, and who owns them is irelivent. It still needs to be up to
the estate owner and managers how to divide resources on the sim.

On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Cincia Singh <>wrote:

> Just one opinion ... not responding to anyone in particular.
> Over commitment of sim resources is what brought us to this conversation in
> the first place.
> Having a hard parcel limit is how SL avoids over commitment for prims and
> it's likely
> the only solution that will work for scripts; both are what we pay tier
> for. Just because
> someone leaves a 512 with no prims on it doesn't mean other parcels in the
> sim get to
> use them because the sim CAN support their use. Regardless the sim's
> capabilities,
> if someone pays tier they should expect that what they pay for stays
> theirs, and allocated
> to them, at all times. There is already a way to get more server resource
> allocation and
> that is buying more land (server resources).
> Coding that allows re-allocation of script resources will eventually cause
> lag because
> the elegant coding required to accomplish the re-allocation increases the
> likelihood
> someone will find a way to game the system and abuse it.
> Ok, now you can rationalize and think up reasons to do it anyway to your
> heart's content.
> I just had to speak my 0.02L worth.
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