On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 5:07 AM, Carlo Wood <ca...@alinoe.com> wrote:

> The whole "resource / payment / number of prims" as function of land
> area is nonsense to begin with.
> Virtual land area costs NOTHING whatsoever. The reason that LL lets
> you pay for land is because that system brings them more money
> than when land would be free and you have to pay only for prims.
> THAT would have been an honest system however: let everyone have
> their own private tropical island (which costs nada), and only
> let them pay for the actual resources (memory and cpu time) that
> they use.
> ... But no... now we're even going to pay for memory that we
> can't use... grrrr.

I just want to point out that what you state above is essentially entirely
not true.  While it may be possible to design a system like that, SL is not
designed like that.  I don't want to debate system design, there are many
trade offs between many different possible designs and SL has many
shortcomings.  However the way SL currently works ties a fixed area of land
to system resources, and no debating virtual world designs is going to
change that right now.  Virtual land *does* cost nearly the same in SL
whether empty or full, it runs the same code, takes the same maintenance and
the same support.  The differences in power and bandwidth based on content
is minimal if measurable at all.

Do you get furious when your neighbors don't use all their prims?  Or that
you can't use the prims they don't?  That is essentially the same argument.
We use land as a metaphor for available resources because it is easy and it
makes sense to most people.  If you own half the region you can use half the
prims, if you own a quarter then you get a quarter.  We do this for prims
and not only does it make sense and is understood but it was lauded when we
introduced it because it solved a lot of 'tragedy of the commons' problems
similar to what we have with script resources today.  What we hope to do is
extend the same model with the same clarity and flexibility for estate
owners to the other resources available to regions.  In the end when we
lease land we are leasing out a portion of the server resources directly
proportional to the amount of land owned.  If you bought 10% of a region but
are using 90% of the resources then you are being unfair to your neighbors
and getting more than you pay for.  In the future it isn't that you are
"going to pay for memory that you can't use" it is that you will no longer
be able to use resources you aren't paying for.

"Bottom line is: a sim owner should have FULL control of the sim resources,
and before that full control has been added, the limits may not be
activated."  I agree with this, and this is our goal - as long as you
account for the fact that a region/sim is not a full host server and needs
to share the total hosts resources with the other regions running on that
host.  Estate owners should be able to do with script resources what they
can currently do with prim resources.

 - Kelly
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