Thanks for the reply Mike. 
In one place of that discussion, it says
"the viewer does not do any prediction except velocity estimation once the 
avatar is moving."
So I think this proves what I have mentioned earlier: when the client does not 
get update packets for a particular avatar,  it just calculates the position 
based on the last recorded velocity.
I recorded the update packets that are being sent by the server to the client, 
and to extract points in-between two data packets, I used velocity 
interpolation, based on the velocity that was recorded in the previous update 
packet. But when the client does receive the next update packet, the position 
value there seems to be bit behind the calculated position values. i.e. the 
interpolated position values are bit ahead of the actual position received 
So, just like in the case where the avatar is walking through walls some times, 
is it possible that the client snaps the avatar back to its correct position, 
when the update packet is received?

(well, I did have sometimes noticed the avatars (even my avatar) going back 
slightly and again start moving forward).


--- On Thu, 7/1/10, Mike Monkowski <> wrote:

From: Mike Monkowski <>
Subject: Re: [sldev] Calculating accurate avatar positions
To: "surangika ranathunga" <>
Received: Thursday, 7 January, 2010, 1:46 PM

The topic was described in this SL-UX thread recently


surangika ranathunga wrote:
> I am browsing through the Second Life viewer code to figure out how the 
> client does velocity interpolation to find out the position information of 
> the avatars in the camera vicinity. From what I have learnt, update packets 
> are sent by the server only when there's a change in the avatar's velocity, 
> acceleration, etc. Viewer uses velocity interpolation to find out the missing 
> values in-between the update packets, and moves the avatars and objects 
> accordingly.
> So if anybody has any information on what the client does here and how it 
> does it, please pass it. It would be very much appreciated. Even if you know 
> of any other place where this information is contained/discussed, please pass 
> along.

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