On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:54:18PM -0500, Colin Kern wrote:
> But if there's not a nickname to click, then that means you were the
> one who IM'ed them, which you can't do without pulling up their
> profile anyway, or by going to your friends list, where there's a
> profile button.  I can't think of a way to IM someone without being
> one click away from their profile. So it is kind of redundant still.

If it aint going to be two buttons, then both are redundant: with
a profile button you can offer a teleport with two clicks.
With only a teleport button you have to hover the mouse precisely
over a nickname, or go to the friendslist first. Add to that that
it's annoying if people send you teleports all the time, while
it isn't annoying if they open (just) your profile, and the choice
for profile or teleport button isn't that hard :p

Carlo Wood <ca...@alinoe.com>
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