>OK, got it. After all folks, that's your project so, if everyone
>hates the feature (or at least, there's enough outcry that there's
>little incentive to change the previous behavior), lets roll it back.
Most of the outcry seems to be about replacing the button, which is
different from having it there in addition to the existing "Profile" button?

For me personally, replacing the "Profile" button only for friends who are
currently online seems a bit counter-intuitive/confusing because that button
on top will do different things for windows that are really identical from
the user's point of view (or even within the same window where you reach for
the "Teleport" button, the friend logs off, and by the time you click you're
looking at their profile).

Even adding it for friends (and graying it out if they're offline) and not
showing it for non-friends would seem confusing since I don't think I'd
realize why it's showing up on some IMs but not on others.


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